Back to TIGER Integration at NSBF

On the job, off the clock

Garry in goggles
He's a blur,
he's so fast
The Techs,
Garry and Dana
Brian, Chris and Jill of
the NSBF crew

Georgia deNolfo
GSFC collaborator
Paul's "look" during
LED debugging
Marty, hard at work
Marty, fast asleep

Marty, having his
brain checked
Chris and Jill
Georgia and Tiny Tim

Angelic grad student
Dana, "selling"
the SIP Simulator
command center
John Epstein,
Mechanical Engineer

The LDB crew and Dana
Marty and Garry
Paul's morning read
Garry at Chips

The Gold Malibu Men
Now, where did I
put that TIGER tail?

TIGER NSBF Integration Pictures
Repairing LEMOs | TIGER in the gondola | ARIA | ANITA | Ferrites and EMI
SIP Installation | Compatibility Test | Hangtest | NSBF and Palestine | Other pictures