Back to TIGER Antarctica

Christmas at McMurdo

The McMurdo Crafts Fair, the Heavy Shop Party,
Christmas Dinner and skiing the Cape Armitage loop

Jason, Sven and Kurt

Duck, lobster and Filet Mignon
Bob, Sven and Jason

The Galley crew

Mike, Katie, Bekka and Jeb
at the Firehouse

Some seals at the
start of the Loop
Bekka gives Katie
a quick lesson
Bekka, skate
skier extraordinaire
MacTown in the distance

Nearing Scott Base

Some friends meet us
at the end

TIGER Antarctica Pictures
En route | Christchurch | Flight to the Ice | Unloading TIGER | Preparing the experiment
Aerogel Installation | Unloading ANITA | A Balloon campaign | Buttoning up | Hangtest
Pathfinder | TIGER launch | ARIA on the Ice | Crary Lab

Other Antarctica Pictures
McMurdo Station | Williams Field | Halloween | Firehouse | Thanksgiving
Snowstorm | Ice Runway | TRACER launch | Christmas | Icestock