Back to TIGER Antarctica

The Final Stretch

The weatherport humming with activity

Garry inspects a circuit
Dr. Bob Binns, on
a conference call
Eric checking his email
Jason, Mike and Dave
at the command center

Drew and Chris
setting up the SIP batteries
Shige working on
the ANITA software
ANITA before
button up
Paul doing a quality
control inspection

Dave and Kurt
Craige, an IT tech, setting
up an ANITA printer
Garry working
Dana repairing
the ARIA frame

Kurt, Marc and Paul
work on ANITA
Dana cutting the
thermal foam
Dana installs
the thermal shield
Lauren running
the instrument

ANITA buttoning up
ANITA buttoning up
Brian, at the data center
back in St. Louis
Marty, at the data center
back in St. Louis

Sealing the ANITA
pressure chamber
ANITA's pressure
Raising the gondola
Inserting the ANITA
pressure chamber

Victor working
on the SIP
Marc and Jason with
the ANITA antennae
The ANITA antennae
Dana and Garry
button up TIGER

TIGER Antarctica Pictures
En route | Christchurch | Flight to the Ice | Unloading TIGER | Preparing the experiment
Aerogel Installation | Unloading ANITA | A Balloon campaign | Buttoning up | Hangtest
Pathfinder | TIGER launch | ARIA on the Ice | Crary Lab

Other Antarctica Pictures
McMurdo Station | Williams Field | Halloween | Firehouse | Thanksgiving
Snowstorm | Ice Runway | TRACER launch | Christmas | Icestock