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Tying up some loose ends

    I spent most of my day out here making some final measurements on the TIGER instrument.  By this, I actually mean working on the instrument and measuring distances that will be very important during the data- analysis phase of the campaign.  For example, in order for the hodoscope to work, it is necessary to know the depth of the detector stack down to the millimeter.  If you have the x-y coordinates of the particle near the top of the detector, and the x-y coordinates near the bottom of the detector, you will need the distance between the two hodoscope layers to determine the precise angle that the particle's trajectory made in the detector.  Tomorrow, Dana and I will take off the top module of the detector stack (the top two scintillators, S1 and S2 and the top hodoscope, HT) so we can begin checking to make sure that the approximately 200 high-voltage connectors did not loosen up during TIGER's journey down to the Ice.
    The rest of the day was spent continuing to iron out problems with networking and getting our group's printer online.  There are some problems with networking all around town lately.  Our connection to the outside world has been extremely slow, especially out here at Williams Field (which makes it somewhat difficult to post these journal entries daily!).
    On our way back to MacTown, I discussed with Drew Denney, one of the NSBF engineers that will help us get our instrument up and running with its SIP, when we can begin turning the instrument on so we can check the CPU and the PMTs out.  There is still some unloading to be done, but it looks like we might have things running by the end of the week.

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